What is Reputation Management - Integrity Reputation Marketing

What is Reputation Management

Reputation management is the practice of influencing online information about an entity by shaping a person’s or an organization’s public perception. Reputation management comes in different names like rep management, online reputation management or ORM.  


There are different steps to succeed in reputation management. Monitoring references to the person or business through social media monitoring and carefully crafted search queries is one step you can do. You can also deliver a snapshot of the current public opinion of the person or business in question through social media analytics and similar processes on search results. If there are any problems that were revealed, you can design a campaign that will address these issues.  


To increase positive opinion visibility and decrease negative opinion visibility, Public Relations (PR) campaigns can be conducted. As a common practice, you can create a positive content piece about the business so that you can counter the negative organic contents about it. You can make negative commentary display less prominently in search results or in social media sites by posting positive pieces in sufficient numbers. A reputation manager will the one I charge of doing this. He can then also join online conversations by responding to complaint tweets. He can comment and report about the only the good experiences encountered.


There is no way to effectively create a false impression with any lasting power but there are artificial ways that you can do for your online reputation. Conversations about you or your brand cannot be controlled but the information that you intentionally share online can be chosen. Appropriate behavior is the only truly effective way in online reputation creation. Nielsen consulting group made a research and found out that 53% of adults follow particular brands online while 60% of social networking sites users write reviews about products and services. These numbers show that people are willing to discuss their real customer experiences, especially bad and negative ones.


Reputation management for individual’s most essential step is limiting the information that you make available online. Whatever content you have- be it an image, video, post or comments – ensure that your only post what you are comfortable sharing with everyone for the foreseeable future. As for businesses, reputation management is most effective when you promote your company honestly while not forgetting about your customers. You can implement customer experience management (CEM) practices. Also, do not forget to actively engage your customers online.  

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